The purpose of this assignment is
to explore a food movement which has the goal of increasing social and
environmental justice. For our project, we decided to explore the local
movement by going local for one week. Each of us has different eating habits,
Molly is vegetarian, Maya is an omnivore, and I am vegan. One of the restrictions put on me is
that I live on campus and eat on a meal plan. However, I think this restriction
will add an interesting dimension to the project. We can compare what our
experiences are on and off campus.
This knowledge may be useful for other college-aged students thinking
about going local.
I was impressed by the limited amount
of energy used by Corie’s greenhouse and by the fact that Kale could grow in
such cold temperatures. I had been
worried that all that I would have to eat only root vegetables such as potatoes and squash, but Corie’s kale
was putting that worry at ease. I also got to speak with a woman who made Red
Maple Granola in Hardwick, Vermont.
I told her about my project and she seemed to think that I could most
definitely live on Local foods while being a student at the University of
Vermont. I was reassured by the farmers in my decision to go local for a week.
I had the vegetables, now I just had to start cooking.

My next meal took place at Cook
dining hall, which nicely and surprisingly has a local fruit stand right next
to the entrance way. There was also some pleasant looking and tasting slices of
locally made breads located on a table next to the fruit stand. On the wall
behind the bread, there is a map of Vermont which shows were produce and food
products were grown and made. I also found a locally mad mustard and blueberry
jam that I could put on the bread at the vegan station. Lastly I helped myself
to some cooked squash at the vegan station that was grown locally.
The hardest part during the day was
finding snacks that filled me up until dinner. Locally grown apples are readily
available within all of the eating facilities on the UVM campus, but they are
low in calories. In order to fill myself up, I invested in a jar of Vermont
peanut butter. Vermont peanut butter comes from locally grown peanuts in
Morrisville, Vermont. The only ingredients are peanuts and salt. The company
itself was created in Vermont by the Kaiser family, who wanted to offer an
alternative to hydrogenated oil filled peanut butter.
The hardest part was definitely the
availability of filling local foods on campus. There are lots of local fruits,
but there are so many apples that one person can eat. I should have gotten more simple foods
to make such as yellow potatoes or sweet potatoes so that I could have an easy
baked potato. I am hoping to make a trip to healthy living to find some more
local foods for the rest of the project. Thus far I think the most rewarding
part of a locavore diet is going to be getting to know the farmers and learning
about how foods are grown.
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